- It would be nice if greenshot was able to recover unsaved work after a crashFEATURE-856
- I am experiencing problems with directly uploading to photobucket from greenshot.FEATURE-798
- Add File->Open to EditorFEATURE-795
- Provide "Quick Preference Sets" or hold the destinations list openFEATURE-792
- Highlight border of the region when capturedFEATURE-789
- the tool box can be hidedFEATURE-788
- display pic to fit window, instead of original size.FEATURE-787
- open different pics in a file directory with PgUp/PgDn keyFEATURE-786
- Modifier key to reduce mouse sensitivity while capturingFEATURE-780Resolved issue: FEATURE-780
- Add a key for faster region selection with arrowsFEATURE-766Resolved issue: FEATURE-766
- Features canvasSIze,ResizeImage,BorderColor&Round,DoubleArrow,UndoAll,DropShadowFEATURE-761
- Tool buttons are incredibly small for HD + size displays on laptops.FEATURE-758Resolved issue: FEATURE-758Robin Krom
- Please introduce capture "multi-region"FEATURE-753
- Proportional captureFEATURE-749
- Barrier-free access demandFEATURE-742
- Group "Configure DropBox,Flickr,Picasa,.." context menues & put to preferencesFEATURE-739
- Add Number Stamp FeatureFEATURE-734Resolved issue: FEATURE-734
- Suggestion: Don't include the pointer arrow by defaultFEATURE-733
- Feature Request: Save ConfigurationFEATURE-732Resolved issue: FEATURE-732Jens Klingen
- Direct entering of JIRA issue key to speed up uploadFEATURE-731Resolved issue: FEATURE-731
- Automatic Multiple Image CaptureFEATURE-728
- pointer in greenshot editorFEATURE-727Resolved issue: FEATURE-727
- Remember last "Save as" locationFEATURE-726
- Image scale functionFEATURE-725
- Drag & Drop over "Only Picture Files" applicationsFEATURE-724
- Provide an option to add a colored frame around screenshotFEATURE-721
- Better keyboard control of capture areaFEATURE-720
- UI toolbars are too small on hi-res screensFEATURE-719
- Torn edge - allow option for single edgeFEATURE-718Resolved issue: FEATURE-718
- Standard colour pickerFEATURE-717
- Tabs or MDI for multiple capturesFEATURE-715
- open/libre officeFEATURE-713
- Opacity/TransparenciesFEATURE-710
- Add image editor to context menuFEATURE-708
- Add enumerated labels to IMG EditorFEATURE-707Resolved issue: FEATURE-707
- Allow Torn Edge Effect to applied to just one edgeFEATURE-704Resolved issue: FEATURE-704
- Add capability for MacrosFEATURE-703
- Color Picker On ScreenFEATURE-700
- put image editor in foregroundFEATURE-699
- Incrementing Number, would like to have a reset for each new dayFEATURE-694Jens Klingen
- multi monitor support?FEATURE-692Resolved issue: FEATURE-692
- Dynamic destination: filter and hotkeyFEATURE-691Robin Krom
- Capture fixed preset sizeFEATURE-689
- Tabs in editorFEATURE-519
- ability to scale imageFEATURE-471Resolved issue: FEATURE-471Robin Krom
- ResizingFEATURE-305Resolved issue: FEATURE-305Robin Krom
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