Add default action/effect


In 99.999% of cases I apply 'Drop shadow' to my screenshot for better readability and then send it.
It would be really great if Greenshot could automate it and save me 5 mouse clicks

Question: I'd love to see someone describe a proper use case. Like how would one configure this, does it depend on the target? What when the user doesn't want the effect? What when one wants to change the effect setting? Etc...

Answer: My use case is really trivial, I just capture region and paste result into mail or messenger window.
Actually Greenshot already has similar function called "Quick preferences"(tray icon's context menu).
It even includes 'Effects' sub-menu, which sounds logical for this request, but we can review 'Capture mousepointer' option's use case.
What when the user doesn't want the effect(mousepointer)? Then...he just unchecks this item in context menu, that's all







Isidore Paris June 17, 2022 at 10:09 AM

I fully agree with this some of auto-feature! It could be applied ti each of the five “magic” effects…! (maybe as alternative… as for example, Torn-Edge is not compatible with Border… but already has a shadow. So maybe Grayscale OR Invert [but not BOTH], could be separately auto-featured from Border OR Drop-shadow OR Torn-Edge… I hope I was clear…)

Luis Hernandez June 17, 2021 at 1:51 PM

I agree with this one. In Snagit I added border 1px black and copy to clipboard by default. So I take the screenshot and paste it directly in the email/doc/etc. ShareX also allows to set this.

You can see that feature on this video:

Then, only if I want to add annotations, I open Snagit editor or ShareX editor, and the image from clipboard is opened by default.






Created October 9, 2020 at 1:06 PM
Updated June 17, 2022 at 1:07 PM