Image border
Gliffy Diagrams

Isidore Paris June 17, 2022 at 10:19 AM
Hello Josh,
You wrote: “surely the auto-border feature can be done in Greenshot“, but the feature already exists since years. The point is now to be able to configure the thickness of this border, in the same way as you already can do for rectangle, circles, lines and so on. And maybe set it as possible auto-feature (see FEATURE-1292).

Josh Irvin June 15, 2022 at 3:35 PM
Improvement is needed to enable a Preference (on Capture tab?) option for the user to enable a default border to be added to the screenshot at the time of capture. Nothing fancy. Simple black outline. Even if by enabling the default option, has to result in disabling the current fancy editing Effects - it would be an acceptable tradeoff.
I am new to this app after using Snag-IT for 7+ years before work took away licenses, opting instead for Snip and Sketch which my team has endured the past year. I am thrilled to have been allowed by IT to download this tool and it hands down leaves the dismal MS tool in the dust. (Like upgrading from a 4-cylinder '86 Nova to modern Cadillac CT5)
That said, surely the auto-border feature can be done in Greenshot especially considering the elementary Snip and Sketch can already do this.

Przemysław Sadło February 15, 2022 at 10:59 PM
While waiting for this feature to be implemented in Greenshot, a quick workaround for Windows users is to use the Snip tool. This is it’s options menu on Win11 (sorry for Polish language):

Jay Goodell January 10, 2022 at 6:31 PM
Would love to see this implemented. Border, drop shadow, whatever.
My sole use for Greenshot is for sending screen captures via email. The border is really nice to clearly define where the image ends and the rest of the email begins.

Ben Cooper October 20, 2021 at 5:01 AM
This is a seriously great program… thank you, have been using for years and recommended to countless others.
Agree with all the previous posts.
Adding a preference where a 1px wide black border is automatically added to a screenshot would satify most people I think.
The option to change width/colour/drop shadow in settings would just be icing on the cake!
Possibility to add an automatic border to the captured images with the same properties like the rectangle object (color, thickness, shadow).
See example in attachment (unfortunately taken with ScreenPresso)