- Dotted lines, polygonsFEATURE-1520
- Integrate an eraser tool into the editorFEATURE-1500
- getting problem in measuring screen coordinatesFEATURE-1496
- dFEATURE-1495
- when we start greenshot for measuring screen coords.FEATURE-1494
- [FR] read content out from barcode and QRcodeFEATURE-1492
- Stroke outline for textFEATURE-1488
- Left click on systray icon activates 'Capture region'FEATURE-1471
- Cancel create screenshotFEATURE-1469
- Arrow Keys to Define Capture Area on MacOSFEATURE-1468
- Ability to open saved locationFEATURE-1456
- Shortcut to Redraw Snip AreaFEATURE-1455
- Export/Import all settingsFEATURE-1450
- "Copy As" a particular file formatFEATURE-1425
- add the option to add custom programsFEATURE-1422
- Allow settings the icons for the external command actionsFEATURE-1418
- ARM64 build for Windows 11 on ARMFEATURE-1408
- Provide Option to increase Pixel Wide Capture Area of 10 Pixels When CTRL is PressedFEATURE-1406
- No way to force the date and time to the long side of a landscape after rotating the image from portrait to landscape.FEATURE-1405
- GNU Linux compatibility via wineFEATURE-1400
- Improvements to image qualityFEATURE-1397
- Allow users to change which options to display when taking a screenshot.FEATURE-1387
- Copy to Clipboard with ShadowsFEATURE-1384
- Creating a ".greenshot" viewer to display thumbnails within Windows ExplorerFEATURE-1369
- [Feature Request] Create `.png` image from `.greenshot` file via CLIFEATURE-1362
- Capture Scrolling WindowFEATURE-1360
- Option: "Last Region" only refers to regions used by "Capture Region"FEATURE-1357
- Icons auf HD-Display zu klein / nicht erkennbarFEATURE-1356
- Copy screenshot to Microsoft Teams chatFEATURE-1355
- Set drawn rectangle to image dimensionsFEATURE-1351
- Pin to TaskbarFEATURE-1350
- If I click "Open last capture location" twice, please do not open duplicate Explorer windowsFEATURE-1339
- Slow mouse sensitivity for fine control of selection when capturing regionFEATURE-1338
- Direct Slack messages + Custom soundsFEATURE-1331
- Add the capture of a drop-down listFEATURE-1327
- Show visible rectangle after selecting a region + Allow resizing the rectangleFEATURE-1308
- Create hotkeys to copy, save, upload, etc. after selecting a regionFEATURE-1307
- Let us auto-save screenshot PLUS copy to clipboardFEATURE-1304
- Scroll imaging and automatically open in editor PLUS automatically copy to clipboardFEATURE-1297
- Add default action/effectFEATURE-1292
- Add a Jing like floating icon to access GreenshotFEATURE-1288
- Filtered Destination DialogFEATURE-1265
- Windows scaling supportFEATURE-1255
- Write the output file without opening its app, embedding date and time in filename.FEATURE-1249
- "Capture" shortkut in Start Menu (pinnable to Taskbar)FEATURE-1235
- Ability to save "regions" that you can choose fromFEATURE-1229
- Screenshot HistoryFEATURE-1224
- Text fields should have no border as defaultFEATURE-1223
- Big Copy buttonFEATURE-1219
- Create an Option to Use The Focused Window Title for Filename when using Capture Region or Full ScreenFEATURE-1217
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