- The use of the openai api to send the screenshot and ask it something about that screenshotFEATURE-1473
- Send to Otter PluginFEATURE-1454
- New Picture Upload App for www.talkimg.comFEATURE-1435
- Choose plugins and set defaultsFEATURE-1372
- Screenshot whole webpage on all common browsersFEATURE-1289
- shot x2FEATURE-1269
- TinyPNG integration (image compression)FEATURE-1257
- occured saving greenshot screen shot file name"Touch_sensor_program_using_conjunction_boolean_logic_to_configure_touch sensors.png" folders name "Touch_sensor_code_with_a_conjunction_boolean_condition_for_each_touch_sensor"wellcome to help outFEATURE-1245
- Improve usability of external command support.FEATURE-1190
- Please use ShellExecuteEx to start external commands.FEATURE-1187
- Automatic Twitter PostFEATURE-1186
- Add post to TelegramFEATURE-1053
- Saving to ?FEATURE-1050
- tineyeFEATURE-1043
- Integration with Google DriveFEATURE-1037
- How to create a pluginFEATURE-1003
- Enable a frame for screenshotsFEATURE-997
- Amazon S3 Upload PluginFEATURE-983
- Custom "copy to clipboard" optionFEATURE-959
- Allow the usage of environment variables in the external command configurationFEATURE-945Resolved issue: FEATURE-945
- Create DimensionsFEATURE-936
- Ability to REMOVE Save buttons AND associated plug-insFEATURE-901Robin Krom
- [External command] Refresh image after return from executed programFEATURE-888
- Global color pickerFEATURE-868
- Webcam Support - Open Image from WebcamFEATURE-861
- Upload to Wikimedia CommonsFEATURE-855
- Add support with Wordpress & TinyMCE EditorFEATURE-831
- Animated GIFFEATURE-803
- Contextual menu to upload a screenshotFEATURE-796
- Post to external URL pluginFEATURE-745
- Group "Configure DropBox,Flickr,Picasa,.." context menues & put to preferencesFEATURE-739
- open/libre officeFEATURE-713
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