- Memory not freed after closing image editorFEATURE-1523
- Cut and PasteFEATURE-1522
- Zoom (in/out) in Greenshot EditorFEATURE-1521
- Dotted lines, polygonsFEATURE-1520
- Adding a shortcut for the « open image from clipboard » functionFEATURE-1519
- Custom "Preset Actions" / Macros to achieve multiple steps in one clickFEATURE-1517
- Crop to copy to clipboard as TEXTFEATURE-1516
- Add Magnifier and Crosshair Rulers to macOS VersionFEATURE-1502
- Verkleinern auf DisplaygroesseFEATURE-1501
- Integrate an eraser tool into the editorFEATURE-1500
- Integration with Whatsapp desktop, ie ability to send screenshot directly to selected chat group or contact.FEATURE-1499
- add option to rotate imageFEATURE-1498
- Counter number scalableFEATURE-1497
- getting problem in measuring screen coordinatesFEATURE-1496
- dFEATURE-1495
- when we start greenshot for measuring screen coords.FEATURE-1494
- Add stroke to the counter toolFEATURE-1493
- [FR] read content out from barcode and QRcodeFEATURE-1492
- Start the PlanFEATURE-1491
- Search image in any search engineFEATURE-1490
- gfhfghgFEATURE-1489
- Stroke outline for textFEATURE-1488
- Square Capture RegionFEATURE-1487
- My laptop has been error. I thought that it is not greenshot bugs which is greenshot for my laptop to have to improvement.FEATURE-1486
- Screenshot/picture in maximum PC-ScreenFEATURE-1485
- Automatically create a frame from a screenshotFEATURE-1484
- Export .gst files as .svg filesFEATURE-1483
- The ability to reposition and enable/disable toolbarsFEATURE-1482
- new save format that can both be edited and viewed by other toolsFEATURE-1481
- No border on text box is doable this wayFEATURE-1480
- Option to not have a border on textboxFEATURE-1479
- Check mark and cross symbolFEATURE-1478
- scale up button size in capture editorFEATURE-1477
- Re-capture Region from Image EditiorFEATURE-1476
- When using editor, automatically copy edits to clipboard (similar to windows Snipping tool behavior)FEATURE-1475
- Automatic archiving of images copied back to the clipboard.FEATURE-1474
- The use of the openai api to send the screenshot and ask it something about that screenshotFEATURE-1473
- Reediting of safed print screens (Greenshot file type needed for storing)FEATURE-1472
- Left click on systray icon activates 'Capture region'FEATURE-1471
- A new or alternate filename pattern for "title" or "application_name"FEATURE-1470
- Cancel create screenshotFEATURE-1469
- Arrow Keys to Define Capture Area on MacOSFEATURE-1468
- Retake screenshot option in the image editorFEATURE-1467
- Change the default circle size and font size when adding number markersFEATURE-1466
- Shortcut to open in editorFEATURE-1465
- Update Imgur logoFEATURE-1464
- Keep the shape of the numbered counter circlesFEATURE-1463
- Multiple Highlight AreasFEATURE-1457
- Ability to open saved locationFEATURE-1456
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