Upload to Imgur (no matter what picture) fails. It worked fine yesterday still, trying it today brings me "Error 403". According to the Imgur website this either means the OAuth token is not sent correctly or you've ran out of API credits.
The attached screenshot is in german but the important part are the last 2 words/numbers anyways.
With Greenshot and later (currently in test, release candidates come soon) most imgur issues are solved. (For now, until they change stuff again).
As can be read here there seem to be problems with Imgur itself.
Best wishes, Robin
Robin Krom October 4, 2014 at 7:51 PM
There seem to be a lot of Imgur issues, not related to the release candidate, we even got 401 errors today.
Unfortunately I didn't get a response from Imgur yet I will keep you informed!
RB October 4, 2014 at 8:22 AM
yes its working now
Jens Klingen October 4, 2014 at 8:20 AM
I have just tried uploading to Imgur and it works fine for me, is it working for you now? There are daily upload limits for Imgur applications, I assume that we have hit the limit. Robin has already reached out to Imgur, we hope they will put us on their whitelist soon so we can get rid of this restriction.
Upload to Imgur (no matter what picture) fails. It worked fine yesterday still, trying it today brings me "Error 403".
According to the Imgur website this either means the OAuth token is not sent correctly or you've ran out of API credits.
The attached screenshot is in german but the important part are the last 2 words/numbers anyways.