- Cut and PasteFEATURE-1522
- Crop to copy to clipboard as TEXTFEATURE-1516
- Verkleinern auf DisplaygroesseFEATURE-1501
- getting problem in measuring screen coordinatesFEATURE-1496
- Search image in any search engineFEATURE-1490
- Screenshot/picture in maximum PC-ScreenFEATURE-1485
- Automatically create a frame from a screenshotFEATURE-1484
- No border on text box is doable this wayFEATURE-1480
- Option to not have a border on textboxFEATURE-1479
- Multiple Highlight AreasFEATURE-1457
- Send to Otter PluginFEATURE-1454
- Add "Convert to lowercase" for the {title} filename parameter.FEATURE-1441
- Add "Replace SPACE with _" for the filenames when using the {title} or other filename patterns,FEATURE-1440
- Add option to add frame around imageFEATURE-1436
- silent installation - don't run url at the end of installationFEATURE-1419
- Allow settings the icons for the external command actionsFEATURE-1418
- Increase Canvas Size in Specific DirectionFEATURE-1415
- GNU Linux compatibility via wineFEATURE-1400
- Improvements to image qualityFEATURE-1397
- Disable "Launch Greenshot on startup"FEATURE-1392
- Allow to hide everthing except the captured imageFEATURE-1391
- Allow users to change which options to display when taking a screenshot.FEATURE-1387
- Copy to Clipboard with ShadowsFEATURE-1384
- Ability to have multiple rectangle tool setting profilesFEATURE-1377
- Request to add - multi select - using crosshair click and dragFEATURE-1375
- Choose plugins and set defaultsFEATURE-1372
- Creating a ".greenshot" viewer to display thumbnails within Windows ExplorerFEATURE-1369
- Substring/replace (regex?) for image namesFEATURE-1361
- Capture Scrolling WindowFEATURE-1360
- Icons auf HD-Display zu klein / nicht erkennbarFEATURE-1356
- .tif exportFEATURE-1352
- Add the capture of a drop-down listFEATURE-1327
- Upload to Google PhotosFEATURE-1322
- How to reopen files and update contained elements?FEATURE-1313
- How can we rotate text?FEATURE-1311
- Show visible rectangle after selecting a region + Allow resizing the rectangleFEATURE-1308
- Freehand smoothness makes free hand drawing impossibleFEATURE-1305
- Let us auto-save screenshot PLUS copy to clipboardFEATURE-1304
- Scroll imaging and automatically open in editor PLUS automatically copy to clipboardFEATURE-1297
- Add a Jing like floating icon to access GreenshotFEATURE-1288
- AutoCopy to clipboard upon any change made to a screenshotFEATURE-1281
- Kopieren mit STRG Taste und 90° Modus mit SHIFT (wie Powerpoint)FEATURE-1279
- greenshot editor window as small as possibleFEATURE-1277
- Support both "copy image to clipboard" and "path to clipboard" configurationFEATURE-1272
- shot x2FEATURE-1269
- Re- Editor ... Fill Color IconFEATURE-1267
- Ruler as draw helpFEATURE-1266
- Obfuscate tool is not a secure way to hide sensitive information and should be removedFEATURE-1264
- Additional Hot Key- Auto Capture to preferred locationFEATURE-1261
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When working in GreenShot and you want to move a portion of the screen to another position, it is not possible in GreenShot. In MS Paint, I draw a box around the portion I want to move, then drag it to where I need it, and then crop the image. This functionality does not exist in Greenshot; having that would stop the need to pull the image from GreenShot to MS Paint.