- WinXP - switching to Greenshot capture caused errorBUG-2106
- Error when opening cap directy in ExcelBUG-1993Resolved issue: BUG-1993
- Can't lock Preferences -- They keep going back to DefaultBUG-1931
- Big delay when pressing "print screen"BUG-1925Resolved issue: BUG-1925
- Mouse pointer is not captured in full screenBUG-1922Resolved issue: BUG-1922
- Imgur 400 Bad Request when loading historyBUG-1911Resolved issue: BUG-1911
- Pressing PrintScreen does not trigger GreenshotBUG-1905Resolved issue: BUG-1905
- Region start point not correct with Wacom Tablet in Windows 10BUG-1895
- Cannot draw Textbox because the selected font was missingBUG-1880
- Object reference not setBUG-1878Resolved issue: BUG-1878
- Already running message, multi user environmentBUG-1876Resolved issue: BUG-1876
- Imgur upoad - The request token is not setBUG-1862Resolved issue: BUG-1862Robin Krom
- Will not upload to Photobucket, error 500BUG-1861
- Imgur upoad - The request token is not setBUG-1860Resolved issue: BUG-1860
- Unexpected crashBUG-1858
- Will not upload to imgurBUG-1857Resolved issue: BUG-1857
- Dropshadow not work first attempt.BUG-1856Robin Krom
- Unable to upload to imgurBUG-1853Resolved issue: BUG-1853
- Greenshot stops respondingBUG-1850Resolved issue: BUG-1850
- Windows Region Command not working properlyBUG-1849
- Sporadic hang/crashBUG-1848Resolved issue: BUG-1848
- Greenshot exception on clickBUG-1847
- Imgur upoad - The request token is not setBUG-1845Resolved issue: BUG-1845
- Upload to imgur errorBUG-1844
- imgur issueBUG-1843Resolved issue: BUG-1843
- Menu and window are too big on secondary screen if main screen has high-resolutionBUG-1837
- Push pisture to Power pointBUG-1834
- New Folder creation on network drive from PreferencesBUG-1832
- Editor System.NullReferenceException on startBUG-1830Robin Krom
- Print Screen key not captured on Windows 10BUG-1829
- Adding second display prevents Greenshot from workingBUG-1827
- Unexpected, recurring errorBUG-1825
- black screen driver is up to dateBUG-1817
- System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot access a disposed object: Object name: 'Icon'.BUG-1813
- Image editor is stuck on a second monitor which I cannot see anymoreBUG-1812Resolved issue: BUG-1812
- JIRA plugin - SOAP connectivity deprecated in favour of REST apiBUG-1811Resolved issue: BUG-1811
- Windows 10 Build 10525BUG-1810Resolved issue: BUG-1810Robin Krom
- Including the website URL via {url} in filename pattern does not workBUG-1807Robin Krom
- Greenshot shows as open but it isn'tBUG-1805Robin Krom
- Clicking a Greenshot image on the taskbar does not display the imageBUG-1804
- Error uploading to ImgurBUG-1803Resolved issue: BUG-1803
- Foreign characters not displaying properly in textbox and speechbubbleBUG-1800Resolved issue: BUG-1800
- Greenshot should upload to imgur accounts! When ?BUG-1799Resolved issue: BUG-1799
- Could not set property 'Text'BUG-1795
- Crash after resizeBUG-1793Resolved issue: BUG-1793
- Capture Internet Explorer on MS SharePointBUG-1792
- filename pattern $title may cause problems with commasBUG-1790
- Fatal error after clean installBUG-1788
- Dropbox plugin times out when uploading large screenshotsBUG-1786
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