RDS and Terminal Server
Server 2016/2019, Windows 10

Sébastien BLOIS January 25, 2022 at 11:02 AM
Good news if GS works on RDS farm ….

Jens January 25, 2022 at 10:30 AM
Thanks for the reply.
As this question is almost a year old we found it out by ourselfs (we tried it).
Now we have GS on a RDS Farm and it works fine.
The first Question was the more important one. But if i activate that option the mousemovement while screenshoting is very laggy. But it works too without activating this.
I’m a huge fan of greenshot (i do writing many manuals with pictures for our customers).
Robin Krom January 25, 2022 at 10:15 AM
As remote desktop is mainly about streaming pixels, this option would remove some of the animations and presents the selection screen differently to reduce the changes pixels. This options comes from way back, where it was still important to reduce any traffic.
Greenshot “should” work in a VDI / terminal server setup, I know of more companies who do so. We fixed some issues years ago, BUT the details are in your configuration. I was once confronted with a setup where Greenshot looked horrible, dithered screen but worked fine, as the region selection window uses transparency. But honestly as Greenshot is provided free of cost, we cannot support commercial setups, and they didn’t want to up the quality so it stayed like that.
I would say, try it out and see how it behaves.

Sébastien BLOIS January 19, 2022 at 11:36 AM
I would be also interested by this question.
in Greenshot expert Settings is an option called "Make some optimizations for usage with remote desktop"
What exactly does it do?
We want to use it in an windows terminal Server environment.
Is Greenshot able/supported to run on a terminal server (more than one processes at different logged in users)?