Box plugin prompt authentication only once


I could upload files to box via greenshot, during initial time it ask me to authenticate to box to upload file but later onward it connect automatically to box with out authentication and upload the files, even i uninstall and re install the greenshot application from my machine or deleting .ini file. Could you please tell me where is this authentication info is stored or managed in greenshot? how greenshot is bypassing authentication to box after initial authentication?
I really appreciate your help on this.



Gliffy Diagrams



Robin Krom April 21, 2016 at 5:50 PM

It would be very unfriendly and unproductive if Greenshot would ask you every time to authenticate.
Besides, this is not the way OAuth works.
You authenticate the Greenshot application to upoad files on your behalve, Greenshot is given a token for this and doesn't know your password.
The token can be revoked through your settings on the box website.

Now, the token IS stored in the greenshot.ini, I don't know where you removed this but if you would stop Greenshot and delete the .ini there is no way it would still work if you start it again.

There is NO bypassing, if you delete the .ini while Greenshot is still running, it's all still available in memory.
In fact, the .ini will be recreated again.





Created April 21, 2016 at 11:46 AM
Updated April 21, 2016 at 5:50 PM