Option to save the last used tool in image editor
Windows 7
Gliffy Diagrams
Alexander Lisovsky August 31, 2016 at 5:28 PM
Hi! This feature was implemented in ShareX version of Greenshot some time ago (and it's awesome!)
Any chance it could be incorporated into Greenshot itself? I noticed today that Greenshot has all the functionality i need for a screen grabber, so i could switch to it from ShareX anyday now, since it's more lightweight (and also Greenshot can be used as standalone image editor).
Jens Klingen June 12, 2016 at 9:24 AM
Having the rectangle activated might be a ShareX modification, since the Greenshot editor always starts with the selection tool.
Anyway, remembering the last used tool is a good idea. Thanks for your suggestion
Alexander Lisovsky
Alexander LisovskyComponents
Created June 10, 2016 at 7:57 AM
Updated April 21, 2020 at 11:44 AM
Hi! I use Greenshot as a part of ShareX (v11.0.1 currently). The way i use it mostly is this: region capture -> Greenshot image editor -> highlight something in the image (via 'Draw line' or 'Draw arrow' tool mostly) -> image upload to imgur.
Everything works cool and fine, except the default tool is always 'Draw rectangle' and there is no way to change that or arrange tools on the Greenshot panel (i checked ShareX settings, Greenshot image editor settings, even the .ini file with a lot of settings for the Greenshot image editor in the ShareX directory). Greenshot image editor automatically saves other user settings like line colors, line thickness, font settings etc., but not the tool itself sadly.
Please consider adding the option to save the last used tool (or make it by default even?).