Make it possible to see multiple screenshots at once
Gliffy Diagrams
Robin Krom May 23, 2016 at 5:10 PM
Ah, thanks.... yes, there is a restriction. Good to know, I will manage the titles myself

Former user May 23, 2016 at 4:08 PM
Doesn't work. Tried it in Firefox, Chrome, and IE - all while logged into my Atlassian account.
Robin Krom May 23, 2016 at 3:52 PM
Just click on the title

Former user May 23, 2016 at 3:50 PM
Can't figure out how to change title. Looked all over.
Robin Krom May 21, 2016 at 9:32 AMEdited
This is why I usually ask people what they want to do, not how... and I now understand why you mention the Windows Photo Viewer.
But in fact it's not the Windows Photo Viewer you want, it's troubleshooting "notes".... a way of looking at what was done.
I was more focused on the re-sizing, and thinking you wanted to re-size the screenshot to store it, what you were talking about was that you just want to see multiple screenshots on the screen... and that is only possible if it's not shown 1:1
For your primary need, a destination which shows a re-sizable window similar to a sticky-note would suffice.
This is actually something I planned a long time ago... (GSII-8 was created for this, probably not visible)
Although the work around is okay for now, I keep the feature open.
And change the title to "Make it possible to see multiple screenshots at once"? With some details on the why..
Something I already thought about some time ago, but never documented is:
Maybe you can have a look at it, if this would bring you something. (if so, please vote/watch it)

Resizing a Greenshot image editor window does not resize the image captured. Resizing a Windows Photo Viewer window DOES resize the image captured.
The advantage to being able to resize an image after capturing is when you are capturing multiple large images and need to fit them all on a single monitor.
This can be accomplished in one of two ways:
1. Allow Greenshot image editor the option to have the image resized in proportion to the window being resized.
2. Allow Greenshot under Settings-->Destination to "Open in Windows Photo Viewer"