Add tray menu items to "open last capture in image editor" and "copy last capture path"


"Open last capture location" is useful, but I wish there was
"Open last capture in image editor" and
"Copy last capture path"
which are the two main purposes I will open the last capture's folder. If I could do it more directly whitout having to go through opening the folder it would be even better.



Gliffy Diagrams



Robin Krom April 29, 2016 at 7:39 PM

You can make Greenshot to automatically copy the path to the clipboard, as long as you don't copy the image itself.
In the settings on the output tab there is an option for this, it will copy the path to the clipboard every time you save.

This will also work when saving with the editor.

But make sure the clipboard is not a target, either path or image on the clipboard!

Geoffroy Ménard April 29, 2016 at 5:47 PM

Thank you for letting me know. However, it is not exactly the feature I described. I think all three options should be offered. Yes, the double-click action can add the second option, to open capture in editor, but most of the time what I need is to copy the file's path in order to quickly insert it in an email, an office document or to upload it on a website.

Robin Krom April 29, 2016 at 1:59 PM

I have good news, we already thought people would like this feature, so it's already build in!!!
Unfortunately it's currently not available from the settings, you will need to modify the greenshot.ini manually.

The feature is following, if you double-click the Greenshot icon in the system tray it will do an action.
By default the action is to open the explorer with the path of the last capture.
But you can change this to open directly in the editor.

You have to do the following steps:

  1. Exit Greenshot (right click icon, select exit)

  2. Open greenshot.ini, find how to here

  3. Change the line with



  4. Save the greenshot.ini

  5. Start Greenshot again

The possible values for Greenshot 1.2.8 are:






Really do make sure you exit Greenshot before storing the changes, as Greenshot 1.2 keeps the values in memory and doesn't detect changes to the file while running. Exit will save, and overwrite your manual changes.

Hope this helps, let us know!







Created April 28, 2016 at 8:01 PM
Updated April 29, 2016 at 7:39 PM