JIRA-Plugin: API change
Gliffy Diagrams
Robin Krom December 15, 2016 at 7:46 PM
A Greenshot release with the functionality will be available in the coming days.
A release candidate can be downloaded via the following link:
Robin Krom August 17, 2016 at 1:14 PM
As other stuff took to long I have made a back-port from Greenshot 1.3 (unreleased) to 1.2.9 (in progress, we are building the first beta's marked with "UNSTABLE")
The build are available here as UNSTABLE pre-releases, current build is but when you read this it might be higher:
In the mean time they are not THAT unstable, should be quite usable, and if there is a major problem you should be able to just install 1.2.8 back again.
Let me know what you think of it, if there are any issues.
Keith Belcher August 3, 2016 at 9:37 AM
I would be happy to alpha test this!
Robin Krom January 26, 2016 at 3:10 PM
I am working on making things usable and somewhat stable, so people can start testing our "alphas" in an early state.
Will report back here soon, to ask for alpha testers.
Daniel Laberge January 26, 2016 at 3:02 PM
No worries, I also work in software development so I understand where you're coming from.
Can't wait to see v2 though
JIRA-Cloud will change its API as statet here:
Can you please change the JIRA-Plugin to support the new REST-API?
Thank you!
Greenshot-Version: 1.2.6 Build 7