Save bmp files as 24bit ones / pick custom color depth.



I'm using version (32bit).
When I take a screenshot of the screen and then save that screenshot in the *.bmp file, the image that gets saved has colors encoded on 8 bits. I'd like to be able to pick (or preset) the color encoding for *.bmp files to be 24bit, instead of 8bit/auto'compresson' (it's not really a compression, as bmp is a lossless format). The workaround I've found for this is to open the image from Greenshot in Paint and then save the image with the proper color encoding (24/16/8 bit), but this is a little bit cumbersome.




Gliffy Diagrams



mike333 March 18, 2013 at 1:46 AM

It worked. Thanks.

![disable 8bit setting for BMP files](

As to why am I using *.bmp, well, besides that this is the only format that I understand , I have this image recognition function that, as the argument, requires the image file in certain [lossless] formats. The problem was that this image recognition function had problems with image recognition, so I've decided that I'll use BMP as the most dumb image format there is. The effect was that the function still had trouble recognizing things and it turned out that, besides of the bare image format, I have to use a particular type of the format (24bit type of the BMP format).


Robin Krom March 11, 2013 at 5:43 AM

  • *status*: open --> pending

Robin Krom March 11, 2013 at 5:43 AM


If you checked the 256 colors checkbox in the output tab of the settings, ALL saved images are forced to have 256 colors. If this is not checked that Greenshot will only reduce to 256 (8 bit) if the image has less than 256 colors and doesn't have transparency. This is done to reduce the file size, but the behavior can be turned of with an option on the expert tab (forgot the name, but it't the only option for something with colors.

The question remains why you want BMP files, this is one of the worst formats there is

Let me know if this solves your request!

Best wishes,





Created March 10, 2013 at 8:09 PM
Updated March 10, 2013 at 8:09 PM
Resolved March 10, 2013 at 8:09 PM