Add an image scaling function
Multiple versions of Windows (7, 10, 2008 R2, 2016)

Alastair Fraser-Mitchell December 7, 2018 at 9:51 AM
Thank you so much for that !
When did these come in - I have never noticed them before. I have been
meaning to ask for an enhancement to add these for several years but never
got around to it.
These will save me a great deal of time.
However if would point out that if you re-size a picture AFTER you have
added objects (such as arrows or counters) these objects are not resized
with the picture and the result is a mess or overlarge objects crushed up
together. It is more common to resize a picture just before you copy the
image and after you have added objects and markup so these need to re-size
with the picture.
On Thu, 6 Dec 2018 at 20:53, Robin Krom (JIRA) <>
Robin Krom December 6, 2018 at 8:53 PM
I'm not really sure why you would save the capture from the image editor to a file, than open in in another application when the editor already can scale the image? It's the icon on the bottom in the left.

*Countless *times I have taken a full or partial (region) snapshot in order to paste into a document and the image is too large to be pasted / fit comfortably into the document. The imagine sizing abilities in some destination programs either corrupt the image and or are awkward to use.
I have to save the image from Greenshot's image editor to a file and then open in an image editor (e.g. Photoshop or Gimp), scale the image and then copy the adjusted image to the document.
This is very slow and painful - a simple image scaling function in Greenshot would be much easier and a logical addition to all the current tools in this fantastic image capture program that I, and my colleagues, have come to rely on for technical documentation.