Remember often used tool configurations (like rectangle size and color)


After taking a screenshot, I often edit it. To do this, I need multiple markers:

  • A red rectangle, 3 px wide, transparent fill, shadow — this is for highlighting bad things

  • A green rectangle, 3 px wide, transparent fill, shadow — this is for highlighting good things

  • A rectangle with 0 px stroke and black fill — this is for redacting parts of the image

These three rectangles serve totally different purposes, and I need them all in random order. Since they are currently modeled using the same tool ("rectangle"), I constantly have to switch foreground and background color, as well as stroke width. This quickly gets annoying.

Greenshot should offer the possibility to define and remember favorite tool settings, like the three rectangles above. These should get individual buttons in the toolbox.




  • 21 Jul 2021, 05:15 AM



Mischl October 12, 2021 at 11:07 AM

if most of the time these three markers were used and no others, you can also realize it by working with three different tools, each with the relating presets, and individually accessable by a key stroke:

  • A red rectangle, 3 px wide, transparent fill, shadow — this is for highlighting bad things → R rectangle

  • A green rectangle, 3 px wide, transparent fill, shadow — this is for highlighting good things → T text

  • A rectangle with 0 px stroke and black fill — this is for redacting parts of the image → H higlight

Ken Lam July 21, 2021 at 5:15 AM

I often have this use-case as well. It will be great if we can save several presets for each drawing tool.

Here is the mockup of my suggested UI design:

Mischl October 2, 2020 at 12:44 PM

see a possible workaround here

Daniel Humphrey September 30, 2020 at 4:36 PM

Another vote for this or a similar fix, please. I frequently have to both outline important elements in a red rectangle and redact others in black on the same screenshot. Having to repeatedly switch between the line color/thickness and background color every time greatly slows down the process. Either save recent selections or split solid shapes from outline shapes. This is easily my biggest problem with an otherwise extremely useful app.

Kevin Anderson July 1, 2020 at 8:10 PM

I regularly need to draw red rectangles and blue rectangles each with transparent fill when annotating images to highlight what is important. (Blue is for a certain circumstance when the background is solid red). I’d like to be able to hit “R” to get a red rectangle preset and Alt+R (or maybe hit R a second time?) to get to my Blue rectangle preset.





Affects versions


Created October 29, 2018 at 11:00 PM
Updated March 30, 2023 at 4:26 AM