Loose focus on Greenshot editor when changing a color of any object (when SolidWorks or CATIA in background)
I got one problem for years. I loose focus on Greenshot editor when changing a color of any object. It happens only when I have particular programs under the Greenshot window. These programs are SolidWorks and CATIA (by Dasault Systemes). Chceck a picture attached: I use SolidWorks, then I make a picture with Greenshot, I draw couple of lines and change a color. Everything is fine until I click "apply". When I click it, Greenshot editor window hides under the Solidworks window. It is annoing to loose focus everytime I change a color of any object.
I got one problem for years. I loose focus on Greenshot editor when changing a color of any object. It happens only when I have particular programs under the Greenshot window. These programs are SolidWorks and CATIA (by Dasault Systemes). Chceck a picture attached: I use SolidWorks, then I make a picture with Greenshot, I draw couple of lines and change a color. Everything is fine until I click "apply". When I click it, Greenshot editor window hides under the Solidworks window. It is annoing to loose focus everytime I change a color of any object.