I would like to report the following bug : When using the drag and drop feature (i.e : when performing a drag and drop from an Explorer window from a picture file to the Greenshot editor), then nothing happens and even the copy and paste feature does not work either. I noticed this issue on two different machine with Windows 7 64 Bits SP1 since the latest
Am I the only one who noticed this issue ?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
Windows 7 64 Bits SP1
13 Jan 2017, 10:09 PM
Gliffy Diagrams
Robin Krom January 25, 2017 at 6:25 PM
No problem Frederic, thanks a lot for the feedback. Expect the release next week.
AUBRY January 23, 2017 at 9:49 PM
Hello Robin,
Sorry for my late reply and thank you for having looked at this issue. After having tried the unstable version you suggested, then I confirm that the drag and drop feature is working fine.
I would like to report the following bug :
When using the drag and drop feature (i.e : when performing a drag and drop from an Explorer window from a picture file to the Greenshot editor), then nothing happens and even the copy and paste feature does not work either.
I noticed this issue on two different machine with Windows 7 64 Bits SP1 since the latest
Am I the only one who noticed this issue ?
Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,