Speechbubble can't be used after copy/paste


When I insert a speeachbubble element and then select, copy it and paste it (i.e. to clone it), only the element is copied but the text is lost. Trying to edit the text results in a Nullpointer exception. See attached image.


0. printscreen - dialog choose to open w Editor
1. new speechbubble w text
2. press ESC key twice to unfocus
3. select this speechbuble with mouse
4. copy element w ctrl-c or right-click copy
5. paste to editor with ctrl-v or Edit>paste
6. empty speechbubble element is created
7. click inside new empty element to edit
8. Nullpointer exception

Affected versions

I started seeing this error since I downloaded (stable/build 98/64) because I wanted to get the new canvas resizing which is a feature I like a lot. I went back and reinstalled and the issue disappeared. Reproduced on two different PCs.


Here is the data logged in log file after trying to edit text inside the new speechbubble element:


Current workaround is to not clone speechbubble elements and instead create new ones.


Reproduced on Windows 7 64 bit and Windows 10 on version 1.2.9 build 98 and 112
Install w all plugins but no additional languages, default install dir on windows using windows installer.



Gliffy Diagrams



Robin Krom February 15, 2017 at 7:53 AM

Hi Joel,

I am REALLY sorry...!!
This is my doing, although by accident: my JIRA Project for Greenshot needs to test changes to a real JIRA and this issue ended up as a test issue.
This should have been solved a bit over a week ago, by creating a project especially for testing.

Let me know when this still happens, but from my point of view this should be the last email you have gotten for changes on this issue.

Best wishes,

Joel H February 15, 2017 at 1:25 AM

Speech bubbles has worked fine for a while, now, I've been using the latest stable release

As a side note, I've gotten 100 email notifications so far on work logs for this issue. I cannot seem to disable these myself, seems it can be done by editing the project though: https://confluence.atlassian.com/adminjiraserver071/creating-a-notification-scheme-802592629.html

Robin Krom January 14, 2017 at 6:28 PM

Thanks for the feedback, closing the ticket.

Keep using that version until a newer arrives, which Greenshot should tell if the update check is active.

Joel H January 14, 2017 at 10:34 AM

Thanks Robin! I downloaded and it works fine with speech bubbles so far.
I'll let you know if I see anything weird.

Robin Krom January 13, 2017 at 10:15 PM

If you like, have a test with the attached version.





Affects versions



Time tracking

2w 4d 2h logged2d remaining


Created January 8, 2017 at 9:57 AM
Updated February 15, 2017 at 7:53 AM
Resolved January 13, 2017 at 8:46 PM