External Command plugin should check for possible default-commands at startup
windows 7 pro
Gliffy Diagrams
Robin Krom October 18, 2016 at 6:38 PM
Closed due to no feedback, assuming it will be solved.
If not, we are starting with release candidates and there is still time to fix things.
Robin Krom September 16, 2016 at 7:50 PM
Implemented this with or later, you can test it by downloading from here:
Robin Krom June 1, 2016 at 8:33 AM
changed the title: "External Command plugin should check for possible default-commands at startup"
Can't decide on a more clear text
Anyway, the way I will solve this:
Every start-up the plugin will check which default commands it hasn't created yet, and will check if this can be added (e.g. for Paint.NET this needs to be available). If it can be added, it will, and it will mark it as added. Now you can delete it manually, and it will no longer be added. This has a huge advantage, that if you install Paint.NET at a later time it will be added automatically but you can still delete the Paint.NET command manually. "Installed" commands should check if their target is there, and automatically disable if not.
The UI will not be changed in this version, I still want a redesign of the Greenshot settings and don't feel like hacking.
Robin Krom February 15, 2016 at 2:51 PM
The installer doesn't know anything about Paint or Paint.NET or even the greenshot.ini, it just checks if .NET is installed, copies Greenshot to it's location, eventually sets the "auto-start" in the registry and finally runs Greenshot if this was selected.
Everything else is done by Greenshot, and the Paint.NET is not a plugin per-se, it's a configuration of the External command plugin.
I will probably just check for availability every start (this is cheap) and add it if something changed.
Than, if someone removes it I will store a flag that it's removed so it won't be recreated.

Jens Odborg February 15, 2016 at 2:39 PM
At least the list of component in the installer should contain paint.net unchecked upon reinstall
If their was installer repair option it could also contain an uncheck option for paint.net
But probably the test for available plugins should be done on every show of Settings/Destination and check boxes for each plugin changed to combobox with values "Always", "If Running" or "Never" (assuming "Select destination dynamically" means "If Running")
How to reproduce:
install greenshot
install paint.net
cannot send to paint.net
uninstall greenshot
reinstall greenshot
still cannot send to paint.net