Inverted monitor colors changes color of screenshot
Windows 7 64bit Enterprise
Gliffy Diagrams
Robin Krom January 15, 2016 at 7:39 PM
Well, from my point of view everything works as expected.
What happens is that everything is displayed inverted, so when the screen is captured than the capture is an image of an inverted screen.
So far, so good.
This inverted screen than show, so you can select the region. Funny enough: displaying an inverted image, while the magnifier is inverting everything, gives a normal screen.
Now you select a region, and the editor is shown (anyway this is usually the case) with this region, the screen is inverted again except the part in the editor (as this is as before a capture of an inverted screen, which is displayed inverted by the magnifier, resulting in normal).
I hope this confuses you too!?
Anyway, to repeat myself, I find everything works just as expected.
Now, if I would need to fix this, so having a normal capture as the result, I would need to detect the magnifier and it's settings, and invert the capture myself before showing it.
I don't have a clue on where to start doing that...
When using Windows built in color inverted (magnifier set to invert colors only) if you take a screenshot the whole screen gets un-inverted, then the screenshot is inverted. Quite unexpected behavior.
Expected operation would be to leave screen inverted and not invert the screenshot.