"take complete screen" menue -> Hotkey translation failed for german


Recent build:
Hotkeys in german translation for "complete screens" -> left&right, left, right shows "asian" signs
see "greenshot"





Gliffy Diagrams



Jens Klingen December 16, 2013 at 6:39 PM

Hey there,

Just removed the device names from the submenu, still displaying descriptive text like "bottom left" (which is a lot more useful information than (1) anyway).

Thanks for your feedback, best regards,

Jens Klingen December 16, 2013 at 6:39 PM

Frank November 22, 2013 at 7:17 AM

Hi Jens,

yes, you are right ... it is XP SP3 and two (2) displays are connected.
Forgot to report this information. Sorry.

It is not a drama ... but ...

So, if it is not caused by the translation, it would be helpful to rename/edit the headline and the text.
Are you able to edit my report (or am I able) ?

Greenshot is one of my favourite tools ! And I do not have many tools installed, because most are not worth to be ...
Love the features and the ease of use ! I do spread the word as often I can ...
Great job !


Frank Schlenner

On /Am 21.11.2013 21:22, Jens Klingen wrote /schrieb:
> Ooops, that looks strange... this should actually be something like (1 + 2), (1) and (2) - we are just displaying the
> Screen.DeviceName <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.screen.devicename%28v=vs.110%29.aspx>s
> the operating system gives us.
> However, I just found out that this is not supported for WinXP, very interesting... and from the look of your
> screenshot I guess you are using Windows XP...
> We might just need to remove this additional info for Windows XP users (or maybe completely, I a not sure whether (1)
> is helpful information for anyone at all.
> Thanks for your feedback, best regards,
> Jens
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *[bugs:#1580] <http://sourceforge.net/p/greenshot/bugs/1580/> "take complete screen" menue -> Hotkey translation
> failed for german*
> Status: open
> Labels: Hotkey translation german
> Created: Wed Nov 20, 2013 09:33 AM UTC by Frank
> Last Updated: Wed Nov 20, 2013 09:33 AM UTC
> Owner: nobody
> Recent build:
> Hotkeys in german translation for "complete screens" -> left&right, left, right shows "asian" signs
> see "greenshot"
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Sent from sourceforge.net because you indicated interest in https://sourceforge.net/p/greenshot/bugs/1580/
> To unsubscribe from further messages, please visit https://sourceforge.net/auth/subscriptions/

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Jens Klingen November 21, 2013 at 7:22 PM

Ooops, that looks strange... this should actually be something like (1 + 2), (1) and (2) - we are just displaying the [Screen.DeviceName](http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.windows.forms.screen.devicename%28v=vs.110%29.aspx)s the operating system gives us.

However, I just found out that this is not supported for WinXP, very interesting... and from the look of your screenshot I guess you are using Windows XP...
We might just need to remove this additional info for Windows XP users (or maybe completely, I a not sure whether (1) is helpful information for anyone at all.

Thanks for your feedback, best regards,

Frank November 20, 2013 at 8:33 AM

Attachment Greenshot-V1.1.6.2279_2013-11-20 10_09_35.jpg has been added with description: imported from: http://sourceforge.net/p/greenshot/bugs/1580/attachment/Greenshot-V1.1.6.2279_2013-11-20%2010_09_35.jpg




Created November 20, 2013 at 8:33 AM
Updated November 20, 2013 at 8:33 AM