- Unexpected ErrorSUPPORT-117
- No border on text box is doable this wayFEATURE-1480
- Let me edit a text box whenever I hover over it. Don't make me click the arrow button.FEATURE-1389
- Image Editor> Speechbubble : Line color and Text color should be able to be set separately from each otherFEATURE-1218
- Editing text in the image editor not easy when used the light color on fontFEATURE-1097
- Option for text outlineFEATURE-907
- Change colour of textbox line and font seperatelyFEATURE-666
- scaling Text-Frame leads to errorBUG-2551
- Error message pop up when double click on textbox.BUG-2423
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Have a user who is getting the attached screenshot when trying to add text to a screenshot. It worked for awhile and stopped working last week. we have uninstalled and reinstalled, no luck. it works on her coworkers machines. Has to be a machine issue but not much online about it.
Please email or call 319-355-4405 with an update.
Thank you