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Change the default circle size and font size when adding number markers
I find the number markers one of the most clever and useful features of the editor. Super handy to take a screenshot then mark a few locations with numbers so I can refer to them in an email. The issue is as resolutions have gotten higher the fixed size of the circles and font has made them increasingly hard to see. I know you can resize each circle manually but that still doesn’t fix the small font and is very manual.
Would be great to be able to change the default size/color of both the circle and the number in the circle.
I find the number markers one of the most clever and useful features of the editor. Super handy to take a screenshot then mark a few locations with numbers so I can refer to them in an email. The issue is as resolutions have gotten higher the fixed size of the circles and font has made them increasingly hard to see. I know you can resize each circle manually but that still doesn’t fix the small font and is very manual.
Would be great to be able to change the default size/color of both the circle and the number in the circle.
Thanks for considering!